Polish English Dictionary

język polski - English

wyrwał in English:

1. wrested

The policeman wrested a gun from the murderer.

English word "wyrwał"(wrested) occurs in sets:

Fiszki z książki - "Watteau" (C. Lewis Hind)
Fiszki z książki - "Sir Isaac Brock" (Hugh S. Eayrs)
Fiszki z książki - "Ulster" (Stephen Lucius Gwynn)
Fiszki z książki - "Southern Spain" (A.F. Calvert)
Fiszki z książki - "The Lion of the North" (G.A. H...

2. snatched

A boy snatched my purse as he rode by on his bicycle.
She had her bag snatched.
and he snatched the penny and he ran off.
... right since you just snatched him up.
I have worked for one company where the payroll was snatched on a dark winter's night.
The thief snatched the woman's handbag and took to his heels.

English word "wyrwał"(snatched) occurs in sets:

struktury leksykalno gramatyczne 3
Anne of green gables