Polish English Dictionary

język polski - English

odciski in English:

1. corns

You are treading on her corns.

English word "odciski"(corns) occurs in sets:

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2. prints

Would you like regular prints?
I want a roll of color film for prints.

3. blisters

The blisters have formed scabs.
I've got terrible blisters.
My hands have been giving me problems - I have big blisters.
I bought new shoes and after wearing them for the first time they gave me blisters.
After many hours of paddling my hands are full of blisters.
I walked so much yesterday that I have blisters on my feet today.
Exposing skin excessively to the sun causes sunburn, sometimes blisters.
The one whose butt got burned has to sit on the blisters.

English word "odciski"(blisters) occurs in sets:

Lukasz medycyna 1

4. calluses

If you walk a lot, you will develop calluses on your heel.
Even though I am wed, even though I am the Helldiver of my clan, she would say that my “blisters have not yet become calluses.”

English word "odciski"(calluses) occurs in sets:

walking dead