Polish English Dictionary

język polski - English

gryzoń in English:

1. rodent rodent

Mu brother saw rodents in the kitchen so I don't eat in that restaurant anymore.
Bats are sometimes called "flying mice", but they are not rodents.
mice are rodents
... for instance: In larger rodent brains, the average size...

English word "gryzoń"(rodent) occurs in sets:

Mission unit 3 part 1 and 2 (not all)
Animals and insects (zwierzęta i owady)
Matura Rozszerzoa repetytorium MODUŁ 1
Dodatkowy angielski - holiday hell
Pierwsze słówka angielski C2

2. rodents rodents

Bats are sometimes called "flying mice", but they are not rodents.
These small rodents store up nuts in the winter.

English word "gryzoń"(rodents) occurs in sets:

Fiszki z książki - "Peeps at People" (Robert Corte...