English English Dictionary

English - English

confuse in English:

1. to think wrongly that a person or thing is someone or something else

2. befuddle

3. perplex

They were perplexed by her response.
I must acknowledge that, although it is not typical of the Presidency to say so, I am closing it with a degree of perplexity.
To perplex is defined as to confuse or complicate.
An example of perplex is to challenge a class with a very difficult question.
I was perplexed as to my own best course of action.

4. baffle

The question baffled me completely.
The friend was baffled when he saw so many tablets and such writing.
Palme continued to baffle them, year after year
I must have looked baffled. I was baffled by that question.
A rare skin condition that has baffled doctors for years.
She was completely baffled by his strange behaviour.
I'm baffled.
1. Her smile often baffles me 2. The compliment from her baffled me
i was baffled by that question
His smile often baffles me.
This question baffled me completely.
Even his friends were baffled by his strange behaviour that day. Normally, he doesn't act like that.
The thick walls baffle outside noises.

5. confound

When in doubt tell the truth. It will confound your enemies and astound your friends.
Nothing will confound their reputation.

6. nonplus

7. with

Tom flirted with Mary.
With the approach of Christmas, business improved somewhat.
Is there any problem with feeding my dog ice cream?
I have a lot of friends who are native speakers, so I've had a lot of experience speaking with native speakers.
I watched the film named "Texas Chainsaw Massacre" with my girlfriend yesterday. She was very afraid.
It turns out that that house is infested with garter snakes. They're everywhere.
A fat white cat sat on a wall and watched the two of them with sleepy eyes.
Everything accomplished starts with the dream of it, is a saying we all know to be true.
If God is with us, then who can be against us?
Our city is rather small in comparison with Tokyo.
I think it's a shame that some foreign language teachers were able to graduate from college without ever having studied with a native speaker.
Tom couldn't go to Boston with us because he didn't have enough money.
The purpose of advertising is to familiarize consumers with the name of a product.
Tom is good with his hands and has built many interesting things.
I'm busy with writing letters and giving speeches.

English word "confuse"(with) occurs in sets:

the biggest shit

8. Addle

9. to puzzle sb

10. puzzle

I love to spend time trying to put together a puzzle.
I've figured out the puzzle.
This puzzle has 500 pieces.
I felt it was a relatively difficult jigsaw puzzle.
This puzzle will be completed by tomorrow.
The man looked puzzled and hurt.
There was still one thing that puzzled her.
I'm puzzled by why the play meant
In an attempt to provide answers to this question, scientists have turned to a puzzle known as ‘The Prisoner’s Dilemma’.
Scientists have been trying to solve this puzzle for years.
Come and help us with this puzzle.
She likes puzzles.
He puzzled her with his behaviour.
I've been delighted, ecstatic, and occasionally puzzled in 17 years of Apple keynote events. But I've never before experienced frustration or anger in the house that Jobs built.
The solution of the puzzle required no time.