Synonyms for most overused Russian words
русский языкрусский язык

Synonyms for most overused Russian words
No more missing words!

Do you feel that you use the same Russian words over and over again? Let us help you!
Get to know the synonyms of the most overused words in Russian
Learn both colloquial and formal vocabulary
Let your Russian shine through in every situation!
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Синонимы к слову «хороший»Синонимы к слову «хороший»  
10 flashcards
Синонимы к слову «важный»Синонимы к слову «важный»  
10 flashcards
Синонимы к слову "трудный»Синонимы к слову "трудный»  
10 flashcards
Синонимы к слову «лёгкий»Синонимы к слову «лёгкий»  
10 flashcards
Синонимы к слову «плохой»Синонимы к слову «плохой»  
12 flashcards
Синонимы к слову «ситуация»Синонимы к слову «ситуация»  
10 flashcards
Синонимы к слову «полезный»Синонимы к слову «полезный»  
10 flashcards
Синонимы к слову «опасный»Синонимы к слову «опасный»  
9 flashcards
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Most common Russian words

You don't have any more words to express your thoughts in Russian, so you keep repeating the same basic Russian vocabulary? Then, this course is perfect for you. We introduce you to a list of Russian words that can be used as synonyms for the most common Russian words, which you already know and keep on using. Don't worry about how difficult it is for you to learn Russian words, we will try to suggest learning easy Russian words usable as synonyms.

Russian synonyms

If you checked out our course on Russian Words: Top 1000 Nouns , you know and use many Russian words. So, keep on diving into Russian languange and broad vocabulary with VocApp! Now it's high time to learn some synonyms of those words you came across with in our previous courses. With this course you are going to improve your knowledge of the language and build your own dictionary. You will never forget what you learn thanks to our Repetition System that will tell you when you should revise what you learnt! Remember the paced repetition is the key to learn a new language, especially when it comes to learning Russian because you won't have many occasions to practice it! So, do not miss a chance to challenge yourself, just let us suggest you when and how!

Learn Russian words

If you don't want to just learn basic Russian phrases and Russian common words, but you do want to widely explore the Russian vocabulary, choose our course on Synonyms for most overused Russian words. Do not stop learning Russian after this course beacuse we are plenty of courses for you to study on. So, learn new adjectives and verbs in Russian with Russian Words: Top 300 adjectives and Russian Words: Top 500 verbs .
