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I started using VocApp 2213 days ago. I am the author of 8 lessons. The date of my last visit is 2018-08-23 11:53:44.

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Flashcards created by me

et sted - place
et sted - place
Nyttige fraser - Useful phrases
Nyttige fraser - Useful phrases
Egenskaper - Features
Egenskaper - Features
Tid - Time
Tid - Time
En typisk samtale fra en lærebok - A typical conversation from a student's book;)
En typisk samtale fra en lærebok - A typical conversation from a student's book;)
Å lære nye ting - Learning new things
Å lære nye ting - Learning new things
Og, eller, men, så... - And, or, but, so...
Og, eller, men, så... - And, or, but, so...
Nyttige substantiver - Useful nouns
Nyttige substantiver - Useful nouns

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