Basic phrasal verbs with "to fall"

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to drop because of damage
start learning
fall in
Watch out! The ground has fallen in here.
to fail to keep up with somebody / something
start learning
fall behind somebody / something
His competitors have fallen behind him.
to drop out of a place
start learning
fall out
Her mobile phone fell out of her bag on her way to work.
to decrease
start learning
fall back
The number of the website's users has fallen back significantly.
to not make progress at something
start learning
fall behind with something
I've fallen behind with Maths.
+6 flashcards
The lesson is part of the course
"Phrasal Verbs"
(total 1,258 flashcards)

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The course also includes the following sets of flashcards:

Basic phrasal verbs with "to be"Phrasal verbs with "to be"Phrasal verbs with "to break"Basic phrasal verbs with "to bring"Phrasal verbs with "to bring"Basic phrasal verbs with "to call"Phrasal verbs with "to call"Phrasal verbs with "to carry"Phrasal verbs with "to catch"Basic phrasal verbs with "to come"Phrasal verbs with "to come"Phrasal verbs with "to cut"Phrasal verbs with "to do"Phrasal verbs with "to fall"Phrasal verbs with "to feel"Phrasal verbs with "to fill"Basic phrasal verbs with "to get"Phrasal verbs with "to get"Phrasal verbs with "to give"Basic phrasal verbs with "to go"Phrasal verbs with "to go"Phrasal verbs with "to grow"Phrasal verbs with "to have"Phrasal verbs with "to hold"Phrasal verbs with "to keep"Phrasal verbs with "to live"Basic phrasal verbs with "to look"Phrasal verbs with "to look"Phrasal verbs with "to make"Phrasal verbs with "to pay"Phrasal verbs with "to put"Phrasal verbs with "to run"Phrasal verbs with "to see"Phrasal verbs with "to send"Basic phrasal verbs with "to set"Phrasal verbs with "to set"Phrasal verbs with "to sit"Phrasal verbs with "to stand"Phrasal verbs with "to stay"Basic phrasal verbs with "to take"Phrasal verbs with "to take"Basic phrasal verbs with "to turn"Phrasal verbs with "to turn"Phrasal verbs with "to work"Basic phrasal verbs with the letter APhrasal verbs with the letter ABasic phrasal verbs with the letter BPhrasal verbs with the letter BBasic phrasal verbs with the letter CPhrasal verbs with the letter CBasic phrasal verbs with the letter DPhrasal verbs with the letter DBasic phrasal verbs with the letter EPhrasal verbs with the letter EBasic phrasal verbs with the letter FPhrasal verbs with the letter FBasic phrasal verbs with the letter GPhrasal verbs with the letter GBasic phrasal verbs with the letter HPhrasal verbs with the letter HBasic phrasal verbs with the letter IPhrasal verbs with the letter IPhrasal verbs with the letter JBasic phrasal verbs with the letter KPhrasal verbs with the letter KBasic phrasal verbs with the letter LPhrasal verbs with the letter LBasic phrasal verbs with the letter MPhrasal verbs with the letter MPhrasal verbs with the letters N and OBasic phrasal verbs with the letter PPhrasal verbs with the letter PBasic phrasal verbs with the letters Q and RPhrasal verbs with the letters Q and RBasic phrasal verbs with the letter SPhrasal verbs with the letter SBasic phrasal verbs with the letter TPhrasal verbs with the letter TPhrasal verbs with the letters U and VBasic phrasal verbs with the letter WPhrasal verbs with the letter WPhrasal verbs with the letters Y and Z

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