500 najdôležitejších slovies 1 - 50

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Položil kávu na stôl.
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to put
He put the coffee on the table.
Postavil som dom a zasadil som strom.
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to build
I've built a house and planted a tree.
Začína sa mi páčiť francúzština.
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to begin
I'm beginning to like French.
Nestoj príliš blízko cesty.
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to stand
Don't stand too close to the street.
Neveriacky potriasla hlavou.
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to shake
She shook her head in disbelief.
Popálil som si prst, keď som smažil vajíčka.
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to burn
I burned my finger while frying the eggs.
+43 flashcards
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"Anglické slová: 500 najdôležitejších slovies"
(total 500 flashcards)

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