English English Dictionary

English - English

so in English:

1. thus thus

Thus he succeeded.
At an Indian wedding at the Phillipine islands the bride retired from the company in order to go down to the river to wash her feet. As she was thus employed an alligator seized her.
The more cheese, the more holes. The more holes, the less cheese. Thus: The more cheese, the less cheese.
The families of the factory workers need schools, hospitals, and stores, so more people come to live in the area to provide these services, and thus a city grows.
There is but One who is absolutely by and through himself, — namely, God; and God is not the mere dead conception to which we have thus given utterance, but he is in himself pure Life.
Spirits are to be found all over the world. This school was built upon the site of a shrine and thus there is a particular tendency for them to gather.
Russia is thus making it very clear just how little it values human rights. / The idea behind IFRS thus deserves to be supported by the European Parliament.
We were young and thus optimistic. The price of electricity is going up, thus everything else will also get more expensive.
Not all geniuses are engineers, but all engineers are geniuses. The set of all engineers is thus an, unfortunately proper, subset of all geniuses.
When it sets off the bell rings, "ding-ding". Thus 'ding-ding-train'.
A renowned tactician, Christopher Columbus once downed an entire pirate fleet by stealing all of their fruits and vegetables, thus giving them scurvy.
In Korea, there's a popular theory that says that: "If you eat a quarter of an Iceberg lettuce, you will fall asleep". Thus, amongst truck drivers in Korea, lettuce is known as something that should not be eaten before work.

English word "so"(thus) occurs in sets:

new opportunities - intermediate

2. so

I slept a little during lunch break because I was so tired.
So what?
You don't want to get wet and catch a cold, so take this umbrella with you.
There's also a great deal of so called behind-the-scenes work.
Pioneer men and women had a hard life, and so did their children.
His essay gave only a superficial analysis of the problem, so it was a real surprise to him when he got the highest grade in the class.
When I ask people what they regret most about high school, they nearly all say the same thing: that they wasted so much time.
After she lost her job, she couldn't afford to feed her dogs, so she gave them away.
Bodybuilding is his hobby so he has a very firm tight body with lots of muscle definition.
It's important to take good care of your teeth so you'll be able to eat properly when you get older.
Could you move over a little? "Oh, sorry. I didn't realize I was taking up so much space."
When I speak to a Westerner, I have to shift mental gears, so to speak.
Can you figure out why the boss is so unfriendly this week?
When it comes to my supervisor, he's very inconsistent, so we never get any work done.
Don't get so irritated. Rushing things will cost you more time in the end.

English word "so"(so) occurs in sets:

Nicholas' Sight Words

3. consequently

I overslept and consequently couldn't join them.

English word "so"(consequently) occurs in sets:

the A to Z alternative words
#2 wejściówka ([nie]formalne)

4. used to say that something happens or is true as a result of the situation you have just stated

English word "so"(used to say that something happens or is true as a result of the situation you have just stated) occurs in sets:

2. OPINION Wordlist

5. delicious

The eating of delicious food is one of the most intense and poignant pleasures of life.
Delicious looking food doesn't necessarily taste good.
Tom was talking about the delicious food they had eaten on their trip.
It's delicious!
Don't you think that the cookies that you baked today are the most delicious amongst the cookies that you have baked so far?
You have the attention span of a chicken. "Chickens are delicious." "My point exactly."
The dishes were not so delicious, but otherwise the party was a success.
If I could stay at a hotel near Akasaka and eat a delicious meal, I'd feel like a princess.
Galaxies come in all sorts of delicious flavours.
All kinds of food and drink are delicious and good for you, but you have to know when, where, and in what quantity.
Carrefour's Ham offcuts are not expensive at all, but are nonetheless delicious.
Last year in Nagoya I ate a very delicious dish called "Shoujin Ryouri".
At Papa South, you can eat delicious homestyle food.
The delicious smell of freshly made coffee came from the kitchen.

6. little money

7. say

Never say never.
You say you want to go to Boston? Why in the world would you want to go there?
I don't think there is any excuse for his behavior. At the same time, we should listen to what he has to say.
They say you shouldn't take rumors seriously, but that's easier said than done.
My friends always say I'm too calm, but my family always says I'm too annoying.
He and I have a near-telepathic understanding of each other. No sooner does one of us say something than the other is already responding.
Air as well as sunlight is, needless to say, indispensable to our daily life.
My neighbors say they're going on a family trip to Hokkaido.
Jingle Bells, a popular song around Christmas time, is not really a Christmas song. The lyrics say nothing about Christmas.
You may not learn to speak as well as a native speaker, but you should be able to speak well enough that native speakers will understand what you have to say.
If anyone should phone, say I will be back at one o'clock.
You say I should know him quite well, but as a matter of fact, I was introduced to him only last week.
All you ever do is nitpick. I wish you could say something more constructive.
You say Nessie is an imaginary being, but I think she exists.
Quit talking like you've got something stuck in your mouth and say what you mean.

8. stresses the meaning of an adjective

English word "so"(stresses the meaning of an adjective) occurs in sets:

Most common adverbs

9. in consequence

10. it wasn't so easy

English word "so"(it wasn't so easy) occurs in sets:

error correction