Polish English Dictionary

język polski - English

wykorzystywać in English:

1. exploit

We need to make sure that we exploit our resources as fully as possible.
We must ensure we do not exploit our interns – they should feel that their time with us has been interesting and enjoyable, not stressful and unpleasant.
Employers sometimes exploit their workers.
This project is "slave labour" that exploits people on benefits.
All I could do was exploiting my nervousness to write a song
Greece has no colonies to exploit, but it does have staying power.
I will not let you exploit my son.
He exploited this computer, that's why it broke down.
My car broke down when I exploited it too much.
She was telling me about her exploits while travelling around Africa.
Exporters can ​currently exploit the ​favourable ​exchange ​rates.
to exploit someone means to treat them very unfairly so that you get a lot of benefit and they do not
The challange is exploit event data in meaningful way
It is easy to exploit workers who are desperate for a job.
Robinson considers nature a mere object of scientific study to exploit for his own uses and pleasure.

English word "wykorzystywać"(exploit) occurs in sets:

50 popisowych słów na maturę rozszerzoną
Business English - Career
Angielski unit 1 advaced
czego nie umiałem CAE
E Dla Zaawansowanych 1 C1

2. utilize

We had better utilize our natural resources.
I utilize these tools a lot.
The new computer system is not being fully utilized yet.
The weather was warm and dry so they could utilize the courtyard for the children.
According to research, chocolate may enhance – or improve – cognitive performance, and that is your ability to acquire and utilize knowledge.
This room is mainly utilized for training purposes. What criteria do you utilize in selecting employees?
vitamin C helps your body utilize the iron present in your diet
iron is utilized in the body in the...
This app I utilize every day
The vitamins come in a form that is easily utilized by the body. Private undertakings that hold exclusive rights are not utilising state resources by the mere fact that they operate under rights conferred by the state.
Try to utilize your leisure for reading.

English word "wykorzystywać"(utilize) occurs in sets:

Business English cz. 9
3 Extracurricular activities
heurystyka part 2
Business English Part 2
Power and Influence

3. take advantage of

take advantage of the opportunity
We will also need to take advantage of any opportunities for redeployment and transfer
You take advantage of the hotel facilities
If we fail to take advantage of this chance, people on both sides will be disillusioned.
She’s very generous and trusting so some people take advantage of her.
It is worth taking advantage of the promotion. I never meant to take advantage of you.
children offten take advantage of me

English word "wykorzystywać"(take advantage of) occurs in sets:

słówka My company
modern society
unit 8 vocabulary

4. use

He compiled a Japanese folklore anthology for use in schools.
I use Firefox.
Even though computer programmers may use semicolons every day, nowadays most people only use semicolons for emoticons.
In all likelihood, you will pass the entrance exam if you use this textbook.
Time is a precious thing, so we should make the best use of it.
Recently there are a lot of young people who don't use respectful language to their superiors.
At the age of six he had learned to use the typewriter and told the teacher that he did not need to learn to write by hand.
If it's badly insulated, it won't warm up regardless of how much heating you use.
That knife was so blunt I couldn't use it to cut the meat so I had to rely on my pocket knife.
In the end, because of the disease, he became unable to walk and had to use a motorized wheelchair to get around.
The USSR will only use air strikes in the country as a last resort.
It is illegal in the United States for law enforcement to use torture to get information.
I used to use Twitter, but then found it a bit boring, so I stopped using it.
Instead of using disposable chopsticks, it's better to use plastic chopsticks that you can wash.
Even at the end of the nineteenth century, sailors in the British Navy were not permitted to use knives and forks because using them was considered a sign of weakness.

English word "wykorzystywać"(use) occurs in sets:

Vika 28th Sept 2016 #4
słownictwo Edoo
Słowa z książek

5. abuse

My father is oblivious to the emotional pain his abuse caused me.
If you abuse your computer, it won't work well.
sexual abuse
Some of the children were physically abused.
I've never guessed that he would abuse my good intentions.
I'm not afraid of anything after having verbal abuse heaped on me like that. In fact, I feel empowered by it.
Sexual abuse victims often disassociate from their trauma.
There must be equal pay for equal work, and where this is not the case, the abuse must be resisted at all costs.
It is the place where there is no person in question, and you shouldn't say abuse.
Tomorrow, I will abuse alcohol during the match.
The abuse of alcohol contributes to many deaths per year in the United States. After suffering years of abuse at the hands of their alcoholic father, she decided that life on the streets would be far easier.
Riders who abuse their horses should be prosecuted.
a black eye and other signs of physical abuse
... from Her Majesty's Revenue and Customs show it believes interns across the employment spectrum to be at "high risk" of abuse under national minimum wage laws, and that HMRC has convene...
His paper confronts the question of child abuse in nuclear families.

English word "wykorzystywać"(abuse) occurs in sets:

other vocabulary - planner, watching, reading at h...
Freedom of speech

6. draw on

you should draw on your life experiences.
draw on therapeutic models

English word "wykorzystywać"(draw on) occurs in sets:

Angielski sprawdzian

7. leverage

A foreign minister should have diplomatic leverage.
use a metal bar to increase the leverage
The mountain of leverage and the risks of margin calls are hitting market stability.
We are leveraging the center's research to support our economy The only real leverage I had over him was he needed the money The only real leverage I had over him was he needed the money
An amount of loan that a company has in relations to its share is its leverage
You want to leverage what you know
Relatively small groups can sometimes exert immense political leverage.
The company leverages the potential of its resources. Foreign aid will leverage the country's efforts.
in order to leverage
The player's popularity has given him a leverage with the owners of the team

English word "wykorzystywać"(leverage) occurs in sets:

1 First impressions
Newsweek Learning English
archibald 7.16
Angielski z firmy

8. tap

Turn the tap off.
There's a chance that tap water may contain harmful substances like chlorine and lead.
You really do play tap dance quite well.
you need to tap the screen twice
Well-manicured fingers tap keys; and she starts looking at her diary.
Theres a tap there with good water, my dad told me.
For water to flow from a tap, we first need to supply it to the house, that is provide service connection by connecting to the water network or our own drilled well, and then lay pipes to carry water to particular draw off points (water fittings and taps)
a gas tap, the hot and cold taps
The water's still running because the tap is stuck and I can't turn it off. Can you remember where the main shut-off valve is?
modern tap
Often times when I go shopping people tap me on my head
Where do we find taps?
If you put a heavily bleeding wound under a tap, you will wash away all the clotting agents and make it bleed more.
gas tap
Your tap water is too hard. Get a water softener.

English word "wykorzystywać"(tap) occurs in sets:

Speakout Upperintermediate (unit 1)
angielski spec 2

9. seize on

English word "wykorzystywać"(seize on) occurs in sets:

Phrasal verbs - litera S
Phrasal verbs S Z
Phrasal verbs 8

10. harness

You should harness your emotions, when the game is still going.
a set of strong, flat ropes that fasten equipment to your body or fasten you to a vehicle to prevent you from moving too much All climbers must wear safety harnesses and helmets.
harness the spirit of hobbyists and volunteers
An example of harness is to use solar power to generate energy.
The task is to harness data to offer new services and make money in new ways.
Everything changed after the man harnessed fire.
We aim to do better at harnessing the skills and talents of our workforce.
He carefully wrapped the girl in a safety harness.
I want to harness my energy
To do all this, a steadicam starts with a large, rigid harness or vest worn by the operator.
Still, Congress has directed the FAA to find ways to regulate drones, particularly commercial drones, in ways that will help harness these technologies for the economy.
There's new energy to harness, new jobs to be created, new schools to build, and threats to meet, alliances to repair.

English word "wykorzystywać"(harness) occurs in sets:

22nd July 2014

11. Take advantage

To take advantage of this offer complete the attached form.

English word "wykorzystywać"(Take advantage) occurs in sets:

modern society

12. to deploy

English word "wykorzystywać"(to deploy) occurs in sets:

zawodowy unit 3